jeudi 30 juillet 2009

nabuwalu outreach

hi guys!
just a quick update before i leave for nabuwalu tomorrow night..
i arrived saftly three days ago in the amazing land of fiji! join the ship again and met friends.
this last few days i've been sort out glasses and organized next optical outreach.. everything is good so far.. looking forward to sail for the island and visit the villages...

i feel a bit lonely and got a hard time having quiet time for God but except that everything is alright!

lot of love

samedi 25 juillet 2009

i'm leaving!!!!!

yes! the day has come!!! i'm leaving tonight at 10pm... gosh i don't realize that i'm going in fiji!

i'm sooo excited but a little bit anxious! (my brother don't stop kidding me with stories of airplane's crash and stuff..) but it would be adventures like i love them!

and then BACK ON THE FIELD!!!! yeahhh! but i will be without connection for a while so i will update you when i can! 

feel free to let comment on the blog and i will answer when i can or read you with pleasure !

love all ofyou who changed my life and make me descover the mission and make me love serving GOD... You share your passion of GOd with me and gave me that "virus"!

Take care!! heaps of love!

jeudi 23 juillet 2009

God knows but need prayer!

hi everyone!

i just heard that i possibly may not be able to come in nz with the visa i had.. please pray that everything goes well...
i need to go at the ambassy in fiji to check that everything is ok and if the ambassy woud let me go in... so please pray..

i will trust God and His holy project for me... so let be shine through all of that and not be anxious!

mercredi 22 juillet 2009

Day - 3

Here i am.. packing one more time!

i'm leaving on saturday night from Zurich to Seoul then to nadi in fiji! 

after an outreach of arround 3 weeks as an optician i will sail back to NZ with the ship! 6 days of sailing in deep ocean! i like it and looking forward to see that! i'm pretty sure i will be seasick, but that the funny of the story! ;-) i will keep in touch to say how many time i puke! lol!

anyways once arrived in NZ i will see my friends and have some holidays till my friend wedding! and on the 7th september i will fly back home!

keep in touch, all my love and see you soon for all my NZ family!

samedi 18 juillet 2009

let's the dream come true!

as i said, for me, to find a job was to say goodbye to all of my dream of travel as a missionnary!
well God as a better plan and can make everything true..

i talk to my boss about my desire to go in fiji as an optician... he said that i would think of it!
then when i gave him the date i had only the outreach num 5... i wanted to go on the 6 for some reasons.. as God made my heart ready to do this one and when my boss said that i wanted the date, i received an email from marine reach says that they had a place for me on outreach 6!
at this point, i didn't wanted to give him those date as well cause i was scared to ask "to much"...
finaly i said both date and my boss gave me the number 6! it was better for him! gosh! God knows everything!

but that not the end of the story! i wanted as well going to havie's wedding in nz but it was in september so i was pretty sure that i couldn't. I give it noce again to God and said that it was ok if i wasn't going. After talking with my parents they said it yould never happened and it would be so much money for nothing...

so i though came! why not doing both in same times?? well it seems impossible but i tried!

i asked my boss if it yould be possible to do both and je said... YES!!!!!

oh my gosh i was so excited you can imagine!!!! God knows everything and He is good and a loveing God! yes He hs a special plan for your life but he knows our dream and work with as well!

so never forgot your dream, just put them in God's hands!!!

flashback : back in switzerland

after one month in StCroix, where we saw God provides for us in multiple ways, we went back n switzerland, back in our family after 6 and 7 months away from home!

without any money, i keep trusting God and wait for new direction. it wasn't easy, a lot of dream in my mind but no money... i needed a job ASAP! well some of you may know that i was scared to find a new job, start something and keep me away from mission...
but i had this time one big motivatin: coming back in nz! it was so strong that i found my first job 2 days after being back home! working in the vignoble for my uncle. it was hard... not only physicly, but i was still really tired with the jet-lag, my luggage wasn't unpacked and it was FREEZING COLD!!!! but i did!

i think God really help through my second re entry.. it wasn't easy but He gaves me a new confidence in me and in him.

after that fisrt job i found litte job like cooking for my grand mother, baby sitting, housekeeping... and send more than 30 letters for different job!

i finally saw God's hand and found a job as an optician in morges! i could find everywhere else but no! 10 minute away from home! the shop where i work is really good.. funny, i never dare to apply there coz i found the shop to high standing for my and my qualification.. now i'm working there and everything is good!
i start working again for my youth group which was really depressif! gosh it's not easy to help teeneager to grow with God!

well that a bit of my life in switzerland..


St- Croix part 3

after cleaning some area of the base, we start our project!
without asking each other we both thought doing something on the base like a "print" of our quick journey here.
it was as well a way to say thanks to all of them and create something where the futur people, DTS students, could come and be with God.
we easly decided where we wanted to do it and started by draw the project, pray about it to give all of it to God and be leading by him!

then we start the hard work!!
we cleaned the area (which was a lot of work!!), cut trees, make the hole for the cross, carried big rocs (the road keep tha mark of it! and we had a lot of fun to find a way how to carried them! thanks mark for the good idea!), put the small rocs to make a path...

then we put a banch, some flowers, a huge rock to put your bible on and the cross!
it looks great and i found this area really peacfull (like the all base!)

in this adventure i lost two fingers! hehe! one between two huge rocks, and the other... well.. thanks jonas! ;-) ahaha!
i will put some picture later to show you how it looks like!
